Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Updates on the World

Pretty much-America has a new president! Congratulations to Mr. Obama! 
Anyway, life is pretty mellow now that my assistant directing job is over.  It's great, I mean, I do miss working with the kiddos but still, I now have so much free time on my hands! Although during tech week I had a huge emotion/mental breakdown which really rattled me inside.  Struggling with my emotions has always been a huge problem for me.  I supposed I'm afraid that if I show anything but happiness/constant energy and I open up to my emotional side I will be completely vulnerable and will get hurt.

I just downloaded Instant Karma: An Amnesty to help Darfur.  Incredible, and I highly recommend.  

Auditions are coming up for Kiss Me Kate and I still have no idea what I should do for my song! I'm sure I can find a great monologue anytime, but song--er, I'm not so sure.

You often read about ordinary people becoming famous for their blogs and their advice they give from their blogs.  But what about the ordinary ordinary people like me, who just want to remain 'connected' in a distant sorta way. You know what I mean? Maybe. 
I guess I just kinda want to be a somebody. Well, I'm sure we all do.  I just want to be a somebody to someone else--and for me not to always have to provide so much and never expect anything in return. Wow, that's a little over dramatic, but in a sense, maybe there is an element of truth in there. 

English, of course, was amazing again today.  It's just such a great class-all of us blend so well together, and laugh all the time.  We talked a lot today about the origin about the words testify and avocado.  Also the South and southern dialects.  Hilarity ensued

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