Saturday, November 22, 2008

I wish...

I wish
Poem Inspired by Kip Fulbeck

I wish I lived in a world where you were loved, accepted and judged by the size of you heart, not the size of your waist
I wish I could read myself into books to forget about the stress of the present
I wish people would smile at the strangers they walked by
I wish no one would be hurt because their opinion was not valued or listened to
I wish everyone could love anyone
I wish everyone was a pickle so we couldn't judge and exclude because of our differences, all pickles are weird and different.
I wish families would stay together and boys would come home from war
I wish my hot chocolate would cool off faster, so I wouldn't burn my tongue
I wish people paid for gifts in hugs and kisses
I wish teachers were superheroes and overpaid "athletes" were the villains
I wish the government actually respected an individual's rights
I wish everyone woman had the right to choose
I wish math was easier
I wish fictional characters really existed
I wish fractions were nicer
I wish it would snow
I wish vocabulary was more natural and the trees told stories
I wish mosquito bites weren't so itchy
I wish squirrels wouldn't break into houses through screen doors
I wish ice cream had the same nutritional value as water but still tasted like ice cream
I wish the Holocuast was remembered properly and everyone apologized 
I wish genocide meant promoting peace without a war and millions of deaths
I wish wars were fought with bubbles and everyone always collapsed in a heap of laughter
I wish that my hand wouldn't shake so hard during a performance
I wish I could sing without going flat
I wish I wasn't so over-dramatic
I wish I was a (better) writer
I wish a specific person knew how much I respected them in such a way that it's almost creepy
I wish I could understand Plato
I wish money wasn't a huge problem
I wish everyone had clothes on their back, a roof overhead and food to eat
I wish there was more clean water
I wish my life was a musical
I wish someone special an anonymous location in the US of A loved me back
I wish baby taranchulas jumping at you at 1 am in the morning in Mexico, weren't so scary
I wish I had pretty handwriting
I wish I had washed my hair last night
I wish I remember to be more grateful
I wish the rainforest wasn't endangered 
I wish I talked slower
I wish I could meet my favorite movie stars
I wish I had one special talent instead of several not-as-special talents
I wish I was considered diverse too
I wish I stopped pointing out my imperfections
I wish Mr. Darcy was real
I wish wouldn't ramble on so much...especially in poems
I wish the stars shone brighter
I wish no one judged books by their covers
I wish people could accept change
I wish people were responsible for their actions
I wish women ruled the world
I wish I wasn't so tired
I wish I wasn't self-centered, egotisitical and selfish
I wish calculators could burp
I wish I wasn't so gross and weird
I wish school started one hour later
I (still) wish I could read myself into books
I wish I could be an astronaut
I wish I could change the world
I wish I wasn't so nervous before shows
I wish the gun had shot opening night
I wish I could sit in a certain class forever and ever and ever
I wish I could have met Shakespeare or Thomas Jefferson
I wish he would love me
I wish for a lot of things, but
I wish for one true wish,
I wish for freedom.

© Natalie S. 2008

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