Saturday, November 22, 2008

Opening Night

The House of Bernarda Alba opened last night. Let me tell you how nervous I was, and there is not exaggeration here. I swear. I'm playing Bernarda and I could hardly eat breakfast yesterday, I was so nauseous.  Then, during lunch was shaking so hard and managed to nibble down my salad. My throat was killing me the whole time.  I didn't eat dinner I was so nauseous, I only drank tea. I almost passed out in warmups 25 minutes before the show opened.  Yipes.  Eyes rolling, dizziness and everything. Finally, felt so sick right before my first entrance that I almost started crying.

But you know what? It was all worth it. No, I didn't throw up nor pass out.  Yes, it was all worth it. To see my friends after the performance and the joy on their faces...I'm almost ashamed to admit I was nervous.  Sometimes I forget how much I love my friends and how much they love me back. At least I hope so. :) I cannot express how much it means to me when me people come and support the arts.  Or just come and watch my performances, no matter the part I'm playing. It means so much to me that they care. I sound like an old sap but it's the truth.

Anyway, back the review. I think opening night went very well for an opening.  I wish we performed two weekends like most schools but whatever, there's always next year to change that. :) I need to work on my diction and speed for my lines but I still have two more performances to improve.

9 weeks ago I didn't the cast would have come this far. I have absolutely loved working with the actresses who play my daughters, mother, and two maids. They are my family. My home away from home. They're incredible. But none of this would be possible without our fantastic director..Mr. C. I love him to death. This show has pushed me to my limits as an actor and has allowed me to explore new heights; it's probably the most difficult work I have ever done in my short lived career. And the ensemble, they are incredible. They may not receive all the credit, but by George, they are amazing.  One is responsible for doing my hair, and the others are so sweet and caring to everyone around them. Don't let me forget the crew. Heavens above, they are just as amazing. (I need to find better adjectives). We (as actors) are their children, and they are our mommies. Kudos and hugs to them.

So thank you. Thanks to all who came out and supported the show. Thanks to all in the cast and crew.  I love you all. Hugs and kisses. Break a leg tonight!

© Natalie S. 2008


Anonymous said...

aw Nat... you were amazing! and have inspired me to start my own blog.

Anonymous said...

Natalie!!!!! You just made me smile so much. You guys really are my home away from home...I'll miss my family when I leave :(

Unknown said...

I love you natalie so much. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER give yourself up. don't let anyone ever tell you anything that makes you less you. You are what makes each of us grow and smile. I love you. Last SHow is going to ROCK!